"Just the Way God Said It Would"
Bulletin: https://faithlife.com/slccfaith/bulletins/85855530
“Just the Way God Said It Would”
Acts 1:1-5
Acts 1:1
1) The ______ of ____ is Dr. ____. His first book is the ______ of Luke.
Luke 1:1-4
2) Luke tells __________ the _____ book dealt with the life of _____ when He walked this earth up to His death and ____________.
Acts 1:2
Acts 1:3
3) Luke, in his _______, shares the ___________ between the ______ and the ______ at the tomb.
Luke 24:5
Luke 24:36-37
4) Peter _______ a great ______ and Jesus ______ to take it ____.
John 21:18-19
5) The ________ had more __________ and the Holy Spirit in the ___ will _____ them.
Acts 1:4
6) God ______ in us, the _________ and ________ who teaches us and _________ us.
Acts 1:5
7) What we see in the ____ of ____ would take _____ in about a __ year time period.